...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Life is really crazy right now. Mixed-up, jacked-up, stressed out and well...I'm losing it. Really.

I'm going through these manic-depressive stages. The trouble is that the depressive stage lasts a really long time and the manic is so manic that I'm beginning to scare some folks. I'm sleeping too much and not enough. I'm tired. I'm energized. I'm basically all out of whack. I know that I need to buckle down and do well in school, but I just can't seem to make it happen. Most of my classes are just a lot of reading with not too much by way of daily assignments. I'm just swamped.

To make it all worse, I can't focus on the here and now. I just keep thinking about the past. Or the future. Or anything other than what I should be doing at this moment. I'm feeling trapped by my RA position, and truthfully it's much more lax than I thought it would be in terms of coming and going, but it's draining on me to know that all these people are relying on me for support. I can't even support myself. Well, barely.

Last night was really good, though. Me, Chanda, and Alex went to IHOP. Jonathan the waiter was there. I told him that I think he's cute (and that he looks like my boyfriend). I found out that he is 23 and single. After IHOP we went cruising to all the old spots--namely Johnnie O's. It was a lot of fun to just cut loose and hang with my girls. It was nice. Anyway...I'm struggling with the back-to-school-blues but I should be fine in the long run.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

On the tail end of the whirlwind...

Well, RA training, move-in, and orientation have been a big blur. For the last...two, two and a half weeks I've been in near constant motion and busy every minute of every day practically. I've barely had time to sleep and when I did have time, it was difficult to sleep because I have to get used to having a refridgerator in my room again and being in a room where I can hear the central air unit for the whole building. Today was the first day that I had tons and tons of free time--and it dragged and dragged and dragged.

But I did go on a shopping spree of sorts. My mom was here and she took me shopping with my nephew. I got my eyebrows waxed and found a dress for the Fall Festival Dance in October. It's really pretty and strapless. It was also on sale. I love a good bargain. Anyway, I also bought a new flat iron for my hair and I'm planning to get a new blow dryer. I can't wait. I know...I'm a total nerd. But I like to buy new stuff for my hair. Even if I never, ever, ever use it.

In other news, classes start tomorrow. I didn't even realize until Friday that yes, classes actually do begin in (at that time) three days. Now it's like...11 hours and counting. I hope I like my classes this semester. I really do. I know I have one teacher that I like as a person, but hate his teaching style. Let's hope I do well. Let's also hope that I have books, lol. I ordered my books off of Amazon.com and saved $100 even with shipping charges. Half of my books got here really quick, and the other ones are delayed like a mofo. It's annoying because the ones I got from the actual Amazon company are the ones that may not be here until Sept. 2nd. They damn well better come this week. Oh well...another semester is about to begin...

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Maryville, back in action...

Well, I'm officially back at Maryville and have been for a whole week. It's been an adjustment and it's been crazy. I feel like a wuss because I couldn't even make it 24 hours without "sneaking" out to see Josh. In my defense, though, it's very hard to go from seeing someone every day to not at all for like, weeks. I did better with the rest of the week though. Training has been ok, actually it's been pretty good...I feel like I'm ready to meet my residents head on. I just hope I don't have too many medical emergencies.

Um...in other news, my mother and I are getting along very well now. We talked last week and resolved most of our issues and I finally feel like I have my momma back again. She even agreed to cater a Soul Food Sunday for ABC (Oct. 30). It should be fun. I'm also going to use that as my diversity program for my hall. It should be really good and I get to eat my momma's food.

My laptop has a bad virus, and although Information Tech is working on it...it could be a few weeks before I have a pc in my room. Sorry Tim and Trevor...I won't be online until it gets fixed. I'm thinking about y'all though. LOL...

Well, I gotta run. Until next time...