...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Friday, June 09, 2006

All I need is music, baby...

I have to confess to not being impressed by the music scene in recent years. I'm more interested in popular rap (i.e. songs that get much radio play, I still haven't gone underground) than I am in pop music. It's sad. Sad because I still don't have enough taste in music to dip my toes into anything but mainstream. Sad because pop music has once again filled with faux rockers that are whining about being middle class. Music has always helped me out of my depressions, and this time there was nothing--until today.

Christina Aguilera's new single just hit radio. I admit it--I am still a teeny bopper at heart, however, being a fan of Christina is ok because she's managed to bridge the gap between teeny bopper and respectable. I also admit that I wasn't expecting much from her new album or sound. I figured she'd be trying to do the soft rock/pop thing like everyone else, and I was pleasantly surprised that she didn't. She did take old R'n'B and put a modern spin on it. I'm both impressed and excited for her cd to come out in August. I've got music, baby. Something to look forward to, something to enjoy. Something to really feel.

And I still get to be nostalgic about teeny bopping days of old.

Life update: I got a job yesterday. I'll be a counter-clerk at a dry cleaners. It doesn't pay as much as my last two jobs ($7.60/hr), but it's work. It's money coming in, and it isn't hard. I start Monday.

I also had an interview today, for a job that starts in August. I actually want this job--it's office work. The hours are ideal for me, and I'd get certified (for free) in Property and Casualty insurance quoting, which I could use elsewhere. Hopefully I get this job. Things are looking up, again.


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