...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Maryville, back in action...

Well, I'm officially back at Maryville and have been for a whole week. It's been an adjustment and it's been crazy. I feel like a wuss because I couldn't even make it 24 hours without "sneaking" out to see Josh. In my defense, though, it's very hard to go from seeing someone every day to not at all for like, weeks. I did better with the rest of the week though. Training has been ok, actually it's been pretty good...I feel like I'm ready to meet my residents head on. I just hope I don't have too many medical emergencies.

Um...in other news, my mother and I are getting along very well now. We talked last week and resolved most of our issues and I finally feel like I have my momma back again. She even agreed to cater a Soul Food Sunday for ABC (Oct. 30). It should be fun. I'm also going to use that as my diversity program for my hall. It should be really good and I get to eat my momma's food.

My laptop has a bad virus, and although Information Tech is working on it...it could be a few weeks before I have a pc in my room. Sorry Tim and Trevor...I won't be online until it gets fixed. I'm thinking about y'all though. LOL...

Well, I gotta run. Until next time...


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