...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A look back...December 31, 2004

It's that time again, y'all. Time to make some resolutions that I won't keep for next year. Last year I said that I wanted to have a more positive attitude and affect others in a more positive way. From where I'm sitting that lasted all of 24 seconds. I also resolved to have the best year ever...which I did. One out of two isn't bad, right? Ok, this year's list is going to be short and sweet.
1. No soda.
2. Less cussing.
3. More self-confidence.
4. More positivity.
5. More independence/adventure.

I'd say that I want to keep my room clean, but I know it won't happen. All right...I'm out.

I posted that last year on New Year's Eve. Oddly enough, not only did I keep my room clean all year, but I kept an immaculate house. I'm a total neat freak. I love it. I think I cuss less, and I've been more independent and adventurous. The soda thing ain't happening though. I'll edit this later to add my resolutions for next year.

Road Trip Names

I made Josh help me with my names, too. I've got some in here that I really, really love. Allegra is still my favorite, but the others are gaining on it.

Allegra Soleil (prn. So-LAY) or Allegra Joyce
Miriam Eve (Josh picked Eve, good job!)
Kathleen ???

Aaron Jacob
(probably to be paired with Kenneth and/or David)

Sun, Fun...Life's a Beach

Well, I'm back in cold, dreary St. Louis after spending the weekend in sunny Florida. I had a really nice vacation over the holiday and spent two days on the beach. I'm feeling hella sun-kissed (as in, I got a bit of a tan). I met Joshua's parents. That was an experience. I liked his mother and his stepfather, but in a completely different way than I liked his father and stepmother.

Joy was nice, polite, and very politically correct. She didn't highlight the difference in our ages, and she only mentioned the difference in our races long enough to assure me that "she doesn't judge people based on color, so I shouldn't worry that she won't like me because I'm black." She irritates the hell out of Josh, which made him uptight, which made me uptight...but we got through it. She tried to pump me for information about his ex-wife, but since he and I don't really discuss Rosemary (other than the fact that I know her name, what caused their divorce, etc.), she gave me more information than I gave her. Joy's husband, Brian, was a very nice, soft-spoken gentleman. He likes to talk. I really enjoyed both of them, if only because I could see that they were trying to make me feel welcome, but they were just a little uncomfortable with the situation themselves. It was nice to see them make the effort.

Josh's dad, on the other hand, is likeable in a totally different way. He doesn't sugar coat or fluff things, and although he never commented on the age or race thing, (as far as approval or disapproval) we did talk about it. In fact, David and I talked about a lot of things--we talked for 5 or 6 hours. It was nice, though. I learned more about his upbringing, his family, his view on matters spiritual, and life in general. I think he got to know me pretty well, too. He and his wife, Veronica, have a beautiful home in Tampa, and they really love each other a lot. It's funny. They've been married since before I was born. LOL.

We went to Siesta Key Beach with Joy and Brian and it was lovely. The sand was really fine, like Mississippi clay, except not dirty, and not wet. It felt really good in between my toes. I waded into the Gulf a little bit, and collected some seashells. It was really nice. David and V took us to a very small beach, I don't remember the name Ben Davis or something like that, and the shelf was so shallow that I could have waded all the way out to the swimming buoys and only been waist high. It was great because Naomi could go out and play in it and didn't necessarily need an adult with her cuz the water was so shallow.

The drive both ways was really long and tedious, but going was worse because we had farther to go. It was nice because Josh and I had lots of hours to talk about...well, everything. I know I'm just being a goober, but I think we're at a turning point in our relationship. It's been over a year and for awhile it was like...ok, what are we doing here. I think we're really looking at long term committment. I say this because at a few points during the drive we discussed getting married, buying houses, and having children...and it wasn't a big deal. It was just...the natural progression of things. Of course, none of that will be happening for several years...if it ever does happen, but...it's a possibility. Wow. That's nuts.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It's almost that time...

Well, it's been a crazy month. I can't really think of anything in particular that has happened; it's been kind of a blur. Tomorrow, Joshua, Naomi and I are headed to Florida for the holiday. I'll be meeting his parents for the first time. I should be nervous, but I'm not. I don't really care if they like me or not. Maybe that's a bad attitude, but really...I can't please everyone and I'm tired of trying. I've started to feel a little more like my old self lately, and the people in my life are either going to have to take that or leave it.

I've set a long term goal--I want to buy a house by the time I'm 25. That's five short years from now. I opened a savings account and am now working on the down payment. My goal is to save $100 a month, but I know that I will save at least $40. If I save $100 a month, I'll have more than $6000 in five years. That's nothing really, for a down payment on a house, but it's something. Besides...if I get a better job, I'll start saving more. I know that I can make this happen...and I really want to.

I had an epiphany the other day. All my babies are grown up. I realized that my nieces and nephews are all growing up and getting older. My oldest girls are almost 12 now, and my youngest is 3. Well, except Michaela, but she lives so far away that I never see her. None of them are babies. I'm feeling some empty nest syndrome. Somebody better have some babies and they better do it soon. It's totally conceivable that in 2 to 4 years I'll be having my own babies...but what until then? One of my brothers or sisters better produce a baby, and but quick.

Speaking of babies, I'm more obsessed with names than ever before. I can't believe this hobby has been going for 12 years strong. I'm constantly adding new names to my list, which is getting longer and longer. I need somewhere to put all these names, with notes. I wonder if I could create a program in Excel? I would need to be able to enter in names, pronunciation, recent popularity, any other notes (such as combo suggestions, how much I like it, where I heard it...etc), and I'd need the database to automatically alphabetize itself and be searchable. I should ask Joshua to help me create a program.

Recent additions:

Carrie-- haven't decided which spelling I like


Anyway...that database would keep me busy for a really long time. I'm really going to have to work on it.