...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

No More Hell Day

Last semester Tuesdays and Fridays were hell days...this semester, I don't have a hell day. Monday through Thursdays are jammed packed with stuff, but none of it is so monotonous that I will absolutely die. I was on the move nonstop from 9:00 this morning (first class at 9:25) until almost 10 p.m., but it was a good day. I am a little worried about homework, because I was really tired when I got done and I need to be in bed by midnight. At least I'll sleep well, though.

I didn't get to post last night, but I had a good cheerleading practice. I think I'll be tumbling soon. Yes, tumbling. Like...really doing it. In front of people. I think if I become a tumbler, I'll lose some of my cheerleading insecurities. In my opinion, cheerleaders should be able to cheer, stunt, jump and tumble. As it was I could only cheer, jump a little and that was it. I think if I get three out of the four I'll be more confident.

I started a new blog. It's about names. Weird, I know...but I love names. Also, I think one of my teachers is a closet onomast, too, because twice while she was taking roll, she said "Wow! Great name!" Speaking of teachers...

My second day was great. I'm going to have a good semester I think. Altogether in my first 4 classes I think I'm going to have to write 5 papers, take 11 tests (2 of which are take home), 5 article summaries, 1 group project and workbook exercises. This is over the entire semester. Not too bad, I don't think. I'm trying to stop procrastinating, and if I don't procrastinate it should be a breeze. Good luck to me, LOL!

Also, my Greek Tragedy and Myth teacher seems to really, really love the material she's teaching and that always makes a class more fun to me. I'm really tempted to contact one of my favorite teachers from high school and tell her about it...she's exactly the same way. I really hope that everything goes my way this semester. I've got some stuff in the works. I'm praying over it, so if it's meant to happen...it will. All right, I need to get some work done before bedtime. I'm out.


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