...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

An end to the negativity...

In the last few days I've been having some rather negative thoughts and feelings which have led to some negative behaviors. I'm tired of it because it just isn't me, and if it is me, it's not the me I want to be. So, I'm getting rid of all the negatives.

What does this mean? It means I need to leave Rob alone. Completely. There is something wrong with this picture if his very presence bothers me so intensely. I'm finding it difficult to even be polite, and I know that I'm not like that. I can be polite to anyone. So, tomorrow when he starts to get on my nerves I'm just going to say, "Rob, stop. Don't ask me questions, don't jump into my conversations, just stop. I'm an adult and I can worry about myself...I don't need you to be concerned with me and it's bothering me." If that doesn't work, I guess I'll have to be a bitch, so I hope he gets the message.

Secondly, I need to feel better physically. How can I do that? Exercise helps...but I'll need to do it in the morning. I also need to eat and sleep better. So I'm going to take this next week (Thanksgiving Break) and just worry about my physical health. I've gotten sick a few times already this semester and I don't think I'm giving myself enough time to recuperate. So I'm going to rest up and change my behaviors.

Lastly, I need to stop bottling things up. Generally I speak my mind, but lately I haven't been. I'm trying to deal with everything by myself but it isn't working. I just need someone to listen to me so I can get some things off my chest. I'm worried about my grades, I'm worried about my health, I'm worried about my lack of personality--I'm just worried. I need to express that instead of just ignoring it because that won't make the problems go away.

I think if I can get myself into shape next week I'll be good to go for finals and then be ready to start the new year...I want to start on the right foot.


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