...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

It's always something...

I stayed up all night last night finishing my scrapbook, so as far as sleep goes, I'm running on empty. So why did Rob pick today to try to confront me about whatever the hell is wrong with him? And yes, I say wrong with him because I'm convinced he has real problems. He's one of those emotionally needy people that always needs reassurance that you still like him...the problem is that I don't still like him. He makes me uncomfortable and his presence bothers me.

Like tonight at dinner, we were talking about people having kids at a young age and out of nowhere he asked me if I was on birth control. I told him is was none of his business and he asked me why not...or something along the lines of why I didn't think it was ok for him to ask me that. Before I could even say anything, Chanda said, "You're not fucking her, don't worry if she's on birth control." Now, that's a little more blunt than I would have been, but it's true. That is none of his business and frankly I find the fact that he would even ask, and then act upset that I didn't answer, offensive.

Before that we had been talking about going to IHOP tonight and I jokingly told Nikki that we couldn't because "Jonathan" wasn't going to be there. And then Rob pipes in and starts asking questions--who is Jonathan? When am I going to meet this Jonathan? You must really like him? etc.--and I said, I don't know Jonathan, he's a waiter. And he told me that he needs to meet him...why? I really don't know what his problem is, but what he calls "curiosity" I call a very rude way of demanding to know every detail of my personal life. And then he remarked that I don't have a problem telling Chanda, Alex and Nikki all this stuff...to which I replied, actually I don't tell them most of it, they're there when it happens. Not to mention they're my girlfriends and that's a bit different. Also, there are plenty of things that I don't tell them, too...but regardless of whether or not I told them, I didn't tell him and there's generally a reason for that.

So for any rude guy out there that thinks he's entitled to question girls, if the information is not volunteered don't ask. Or if you do ask and you're told it's personal or "not your business" than recognize that it's personal or "not your business." It's very likely that if the person in question wanted you to know, you'd know.


Blogger Deadpool said...

You are totally right. Now understand that I respect the need for privacy as much as if not more than any others. What Rob wants is to be the person in your life you knows you best. An admirable goal, yes, but he only seeks this position to get one step closer to being with you in a relations other than friendship. Let him know in no uncertain terms that at best you are friends, if you consider him as such, and nothing else will ever come of it. Tell him it will take time to get closer to him or anyone, and the reason it is easier for a woman to relate to other women is because no matter what race or age, you have all experienced the same things. This gives all women common ground that no man can ever tread upon, no matter how close they are. I know and accept this from experience, and we both know Rob does not have my experience levels.

1:41 PM  

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