...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

One Hell day down, one more to go

I hate Tuesdays. It's my Hell day. Today, however, wasn't really that bad. I got up in time for class, and even managed to get dressed properly and look (and therefore feel) like a put together young lady. I even had time to check my e-mail before class. I worked more on my research paper, then went to English and discovered that the due date has been pushed back to next Tuesday. Also, this Thursday we're just going to be rewriting our in-class essays, so if we're happy with the grade we have we can leave. Tuesday we're handing in our papers and taking our final test which will cover a few chapters of grammar...that's right, grammar. And we can work on the test in groups.

Next it was on to work, which went by pretty quickly until about 5:30-ish and then it time stopped until seven. I decided to go ahead and stay at Maryville until the 17th so that I can work for an extra week and have some money in my bank account for once. So now my Christmas vacation (at home anyway) is going to be more like two weeks, because I'll be back on Jan. 5th ready for cheerleading practice.

Speaking of practice, today I wasn't dreading it. I wasn't excited, but I was ready. This is an improvement. But I had completely forgotten that we were having someone come work with us on our tumbling--something I'd been looking forward to for weeks. I can't tumble. I'm not flexible enough, but oh I want it so badly!!! So I gave it my best effort and I'm just this much (I'm signaling with my hands) closer to maybe some day when I'm like 80 being able to back handspring. "This much" closer is still pretty far away, but I want to do it...I'm going to do it.

So anyway, Hell day this week turned out to be busy but not Hellish. One more Tuesday before the semester is over and dadgumit next semester I'm not going to overload one day a week. I should hit the books now...


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