...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

A very long post about shit I don't like...

I don't like n*****. My brother, William, is one. I love him all right, but right now he's at the top of my Shit list. He gave me lousy directions so I drove around aimlessly for 2 and half hours. I missed hanging with my family and even though I didn't really want to, I also didn't want to ride around burning up my gas, either.

Ok, so maybe this is a short post about shit I don't like. It's a long post about people pissing me off, LOL.

Anyway, during my drive I did some thinking. I thought more about how I've changed, both for the better and how I've changed for the worse (or should that be worst?). I think that I'm more social and more friendly (when I need or want to be), which is good. I think I show more weakness, which is bad. Also, I think that a bad side effect of my friendliness is that people think they know me or that we're friends, when in reality we're just aquaintances.

Two songs are out right now that really sum up how I feel sometimes (like when Rob enters the near vicinity, or when Claire starts asking me ditzy questions, or when random people just stop me to talk about trivial events in other people's lives ["omg...my brother's softball team lost last night and...etc.]). Sometimes I just wanna say:

Get back! You don't know me like that...
Get back! You don't know me like that...

Or I wanna say:

When you see me in the hall, bitch...
When you see me on the job, bitch...
When you see me on the street, homie...

I know that I'm being harsh, but honestly...just because I've seen you somewhere before and made idle chit chat doesn't make you my best friend. Stop asking me questions, stop telling me shit I don't give a fuck about and generally just go away.

I don't mean everyone, there are some people, both in my real life and online, that I love talking to, but if you aren't one of those people, you should recognize it and leave me the hell alone.

BTW, the tone of this blog got a lot angrier half way through, mainly because ROB called me at motherfucking 11:05 p.m. and asked me if I wanted to do anything. For the last time, NO. It's late. I don't want to hang out, or we'd be hanging out. And stop calling me...I did NOT give you my phone number and although you can get it off the school's website (yay Maryville!), that does NOT give you the right to call me. Jesus, I want to strangle that child. Lord, help me.


Blogger Shark said...

You should read my post Greed on the council chambers

2:23 AM  

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