...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

My family and the Lorax

My aunt, Robin, called me at 7:30 this morning to guilt me into coming over to my Aunt Sonya's house to visit. My daddy was there before the funeral (which was this afternoon), so I got myself up at 11 and made it there by 1 p.m. ( I got lost once). I didn't stay long, but it was nice to see my aunties and I managed to bilk my daddy out of $20 for gas, since my directionally-challenged brother made me burn mine up last night.

Aunt Robin gave me directions to get to the Mills (St. Louis Mills Mall), so I drove out there so I could get some black pants for work next week. I went to Papaya and got the pants and a shirt to wear on New Year's Eve. Then I went to Books-a-Million to look for a Lemony Snicket book for my niece for Christmas. I decided that I didn't like the price and would buy one once I got home when I ended up in the Dr. Seuss section. I wanted to buy some Dr. Seuss books for my other niece and my nephew who are just starting to read (she's in kindergarten and he will be next year), but I also didn't like the price on those.

While I was there, though, I saw my two favorite Dr. Seuss books--Fox in Socks and The Lorax. Both of those are much too difficult for a four and a five-year old to read, but I love them. Fox in Socks is a great tongue twister and it's fun to read, but the Lorax...well, I love this book for the message it sends. I know it's the partial tree-hugger in me (sorry Francesca, LOL), but I love how Seuss told the story of how business and expansion sometimes (many) cause us to lose our natural resources because we only see dollar signs. What's best about the book to me is that he uses lively pictures and words to tell the story and still gets that message across. I definitely want all of my nieces and nephews and my own children to have a copy of The Lorax someday. It's the least I can do for them, right?


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