...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

More about my family and a little about myself...

So I finally made it into the company of sib set number 2 (my father's children) and I actually had a good time. The death was on their mother's side of the family and I've met some of their uncles, aunts and cousins so I did know some people there. Oddly enough my father is still close to his ex-wife's family so I've been raised around some of those people, but they hadn't seen me in years. One of my brother's uncles thought I was his girlfriend; I thought it was funny because (besides being my brother) he isn't my type--too short, LOL.

I saw my sister and her kids and my oldest brother on that side and his kids...it was weird because he and I almost never talk. He's the favorite of both his mother and my father (it's a long story) and maybe I resent him a little for that? I don't know. I always just figured I didn't like him because he's him, LOL. Anyway, I got to talk to him and it was nice. I was glad to spend some time with him, which is good and bad. Good because I'm happy to get to know him and spend some time with him, and bad because I've spent years telling myself I don't care, but I guess I do. He even filled up my gas tank for me, LOL. Anyway, the night was a success.

While I was driving home (and not being lost, LOL) I got to thinking about my first semester. I know that I keep saying that I've changed, but it's really true. But now I'm thinking, how do I want to change for next semester? I want to have more confidence and more self-esteem and I want to look more like a college student. That's so superficial, I know. But I'm hoping that maybe if I look better I will feel better. Now, I know that I'm not a beauty queen, and I'm certainly never going to be a contestant on America's Next Top Model, so I really don't think I'll start spending more time in the mirror than I spend sleeping. But it wouldn't kill me to put some effort into my appearance, would it? I mean...somedays I'm lucky if I get dressed at all. I just take a shower and change pajamas, LOL.

So, I'm going to work on being a new and improved (physically, anyway) version of myself.


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