...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

New Year's Resolution/Plan of action

Today I realized something: I'm doing terribly with my New Year's resolution, and it's almost time to make another one. I really cannot believe how fast this year has flown by...and how much my life has changed in the space of 11 months. I'm a legal adult, I've had some very adult experiences, I live in a new state, I attend a new school, have new friends/interests. It's really odd to think of all the new and different things that I'm experiencing...and how easily I've adapted.

At any rate...my NYRes last year was: Be a more positive person and affect others in a positive manner. At the moment, I really suck. First off, I know that the majority of my thoughts are negative. I can't help it. I have negative thoughts about myself, I'm overly critical of others...in general I think I just have a bad attitude, and that makes me sad because I don't want to be that kind of person. My main goal in life is to be a good person...I want people to smile when they think of me, like I smile when I think of certain people. The trouble is...I'm not all that good, and it is hard for me to behave well for long periods of time.

As for affecting others positively...well, I haven't done much of that lately either. Why? Because I'm too selfish. How many times do I not do something because I want to sleep in, or because I just want to relax? By always putting what I want and what I think I need first, I've missed so many opportunities to help others. So, starting today, all of this needs to change. I've had almost an entire year to make myself and my world better and I have to say my efforts have been lacking. So, I need a plan of action.

  • Join the Maryville Community Service Club
  • Join CAB
  • Tutor in the Academic Success Center
  • Become a Conversation Partner (help exchange students practice spoken English)
  • Take on greater responsibilities in my current extra-curricular activities

Also, I want to start trying to build up others, instead of tear them down. I want to let go of all the pettiness and try (notice I said try, and I will try incredibly hard) to be more accepting of my peers. Wow...I've got a lot of things to work on, don't I? Well then, I'd better begin...


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