...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Wonderful, Wonderful Weekend

Well, the weather was too bad for us to go to Red Lobster on Thursday, so me, Momma and Steven just decided to go while we were in St. Louis. Friday we drove down and we stayed in a great hotel downtown and just generally did the tourist thing. It was a good thing for me...it really improved my mood and was just good for my overall mental and physical health.

I'm ready to start working on my scrapbook, but there was a glitch in the processing. I have to wait until I go home again to get my pictures, but I've got all the "stuff." I can't wait to get going on this...it's going to be so cute. I even brought my mom's special scissors back (they cut zig-zags and stuff).

I took a test today. Yeah, I know. What kind of terrible teacher gives an exam on the Monday after spring break? Dr. Phipps. I like him a lot, but I was not thrilled with this. Doesn't matter though. I was way more prepared for this test than the last one. I'm almost positive I'm going to get an A...if I don't, I'll probably commit homicide. I need to get going on my essay test for my Greek class and I need to write a 5-7 page midterm paper for my film class. Those are the only two stressors left in this week, so hopefully everything shapes up well.

Also, the weather is gorgeous. I love springtime; it makes me feel so alive. I really enjoy the sensation of knowing that everything around me is coming to life and growing and flowering...I feel like it's a whole new start and that I can take on anything. I know--I'm a colossal dork, but it's ok. I've accepted it. LOL...


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