...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

Well...it's now the new year and 2006 is looking to be, well...2006. I'd say that it's going to be better than '05, but I'm not so sure. Right now I'm feeling kind of in Limbo. I don't want to go back to school (well, campus...class is fine). I'm in debt up to my ears (only about $300 but I'm not working until school starts again...damn medical bills). My room is a mess and I spend lots of time being emotional. Yep...life is life. Nothing out of the ordinary. I do think 2006 will be a good year, but it's going to start out pretty slow.

I do have one bright spot, sappy as it is. Things with Joshua are pretty great. We fight and bicker all the time, like cats and dogs, but it doesn't matter. We have fun together, too. And he makes me feel very comfortable. Is that good? I know that many people don't want to get "comfortable" with their significant other because it means the spark is gone or some silly shit, but he and I generate plenty of spark, but I can count on him to hold my head when I throw up and not be grossed out. It's that kind of familiarity and it's a beautiful thing.

In other news...Chanda's got a young tender after her and she's straight trippin'. She always talks about a non-existent love life and how no one likes her but then she finds fault with the guys that do. Or she won't call them. Or admit she likes them. Or go hang out with them. Because they're too quiet, too young, too crazy, or whatever BS excuse she comes up with. Sometimes I think she is sabotaging herself. We're only almost-20-somethings. I highly doubt we're going to stumble on Mr. Right (with a good job, house, car, etc) right now. Being in school and having something to say is a good start...go with it, Chanda!

Alex's phone is broken so I can't talk to her. Heard she got drunk and high for the new year. Drunk I can deal with...high? C'mon Alex!


Blogger Jaime said...

I'm not talking shit, and yes...you do.

7:44 AM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

Comfortable can be boring if it is not something you are ready for. Good luck Grasshopper.


And you are eleven, not almost tewnty-something. LMAO

10:42 AM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

Hey read my blog

11:21 AM  

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