...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Hurt Feelings

I knew it was a bad idea for my mom to go visit my sister right after she had the baby. I tried to warn her, but she was too excited to be with her oldest daughter when she had her first baby to listen. I'm smart enough now not to say "I told you so," but I did tell her so. And it breaks my heart.

I love my mother. I love my sister. But honestly, sometimes they both piss me off. Especially my sister. Sometimes I wonder if she even occupies the same planet as other people. When she and Michael were dating (engaged actually), she would get so freakin' angry if people asked them anything about their relationship (are you guys planning to get married, etc). I figured whatever, it's their business. But when she got pregnant, they went ahead and got married. And didn't tell my mom. Or me. Or anyone in our family. I ended up finding out, but I didn't say anything simply because obviously she didn't want anyone to know.

Then when my mom went out to be with her after the baby was born, she was mean to her. When something went wrong with the baby (she's having problems breastfeeding), they never told my mom. When she asked, my sister went off on her. She couldn't stop telling my mom how much she hoped she was as good a parent as her father was (the same father that cheated on my mom, left her, didn't come visit her [the sister] when she had cancer, basically hasn't done anything for her). My mom is so hurt. I totally understand why. What I don't understand is why my sister is being so terrible. I know she's going through a lot of changes and stuff with having a new baby (and a husband that she never told our family about), but that doesn't mean she should treat my mother that way. I didn't realize it was bothering my mom so much until tonight when I was eavesdropping on her phone conversation with one of my aunts.

I know this is a terrible thing to say, but I honestly hope that my sister goes through the same thing with her daughter. I hope that someday Michaela looks her in her face and tells her that she was a bad parent, after she's spent 20 or 30 years sacrificing her time for Michaela and her money and giving her everything she's had to give. I know that no one should have to be that hurt by their children, but you know what? You should "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." She hurt my mom really badly, and I hope that someday she has some inkling of what she's done. I'm disgusted.


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