...according to Jaime...

I know everything--or nothing--depending on the day. I know that the world is full of beautiful colors, beautiful words, and beautiful things. I don't know what my part in it is. Well, I don't know...yet.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Early Morning

I have my mother's car for the week, and after being stranded on this little college campus for two months, I have been ready to get up and go. What does this mean? It meant going out for a midnight drive, knowing good and well that I needed to get up early today. I know that my definition of "early" is probably not the average workin' man's definition, but getting up at 8 a.m. after going to bed close to 4 a.m. is tough. Especially if your first class isn't until 12:15 p.m. But anyway...about this drive...

We did not go to Wal-Mart. I specifically said that wherever we ended up, we would not end up at Wal-Mart. Now don't get me wrong, I love Wal-Mart. No particular reason...being there just gives me a good feeling (especially when I'm depressed--I'll just go wander aimlessly at the nearest store), even if I don't buy anything. But I did not want to end up at "Wally World." I'm not used to St. Louis traffic, so the timing was great because there weren't many maniacs out. And even though I got turned around a few times trying to get to different highways, it was all good.

Somehow or another we wound up in Fenton, MO and some little neighboring "towns." Why do I remember the name Fenton? Cuz while we were driving around it, we stumbled into an adult novelty store. I'm a good girl. Well, I was until recently...but even as a semi-good girl, I'm the wildest girl in my circle of friends. I'm also the only one that's ever been to a sex shop. So we went in and showed our IDs and the salesman asks if he can help us find anything. I wonder what he was thinking, I mean, who comes into an adult novelty store at 2 a.m. on a Tuesday night? What type of thing would they want? Just a look around, apparently. That's the first time I've come out of the novelty store without buying anything. I was sad.

As I headed back to the campus, I kinda got a little turned around...and at 3:30 a cop pulled me over--to ask if I was lost. I hate getting pulled over...not to mention I knew he was behind me and I had been driving under the limit all night just because I wasn't comfortable on the roads yet. He flashed his lights, gave me a heart attack and then asked if I was lost. Probably because it was so early and I was driving like a little lost Granny. The sad thing is, by the time he stopped trailing me and just pulled me over, I'd already found my way back to school. I was about to exit.

So that was my first midnight/early morning adventure. I had to document it well for myself, so...there it be. I'm headed back to sleep.


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